Haters, bloggers and phenomenons (in english)
Since there are no restricted boundaries concerning blogs or people for that matter, I'll alternate this blogpost by writing it in english! (H)
As my second day as an acknowledged blogger (fancy that, huh?) just flew me by I could'nt help it wondering why people make blogs and why people for that matter strain themselves to read blogs.. And suddenly it struck me as a lightningbolt in the night that the main reason must be due to the infamous power of the gossip-factor. My conclusion is as simple as that. People read blogs only because they want to update themselves about the common gossip and of course see if anyone has written something about them.
Why people write blogs must be (it is in my case) because they want to amuse people and themselves by taking on topics that often offends the reader, or that the reader easily can relate to. Strangely, many bloggers out there only uses their blogs as a way to mock people in their surroundings without them even knowing. In my opinion that's just a load of BS because if you have an opinion about someone you have to have the guts to stand up for it. Not with an alias, not anonymously but with your own name. End of discussion.
Then why has blogging become such a phenomenon, or a fad if you'd like, that people actually can make money out of it? Well, mainly because we are "addicted" to gossip. Gossip trigs us off. It always has, and it always will.
"What goes around, comes around."
I'm far from supersticious but this karma-nonsense actually makes sense when you give it all some thought.
So don't be an anonymous hater.. Create your own blogs and start flaming the people, happenings and topics you want to! Not as "Ink Ognito", "Ann Onymous" or "Joe Average" but as the human beings you surely are.
Thank you for your time, it truly makes my effort worth the while!
Over and out~
Postat av: J
Det här är ju halft om halvt läskigt.
Jag satt för en liten stund sedan, innan jag loggade in på datorn och tänkte: undrar om jag inte ska skriva ett inlägg om varför folk bloggar över huvud taget. haha, läskigt är det.
But yet again, you have putted your head on the nail ! Good writing and high entertainment value =)
Postat av: SAMAN
sv: i sure will! jag ska beskriva lite senare på msn vilket ursnyggt mål jag gjorde i tisdags också!
o väldigt snyggt blogghat btw, like it!
Postat av: adhd
fattar fan ingenting?!?! skriv på ditt modersmål ditt megamongo!!
Postat av: megamongot
pay attention in class then :o